Raw Milk versus Pasteurized Milk
Talk to almost anyone about raw milk, and you'll probably be told that raw milk is "dangerous" — followed tentatively by … "Isn't it?" Thing is, people don't know. We're not all chemists or...
View ArticleSB 201 Fresh Raw Milk Act passes first hurdle
A law is taking shape in the State of California, which brings raw, organic and fresh milk to the people of California who wish to drink it. It's unanimously passed two committees and heading for the...
View ArticleCalifornia State Senate Bill #201 passes the next hurdle
Passing the Assembly Appropriations Committee, SB 201 — the Fresh Milk Act of 2008 — travels next to the Assembly floor and then tothe Senate. And if it passes, it is sent on to the Governor to sign...
View ArticleCalifornia Raw Milk and the attack against SB 201
I've been feeling that we're doing a little too much ranting against what's happening with raw milk in California, and wanting to write about anything else — there I was, sitting on my porch and...
View Article2007 Settlement between the CDFA and Organic Pastures
We'd heard that the California Department of Food and Agriculture had settled with Organic Pastures over the CDFA's recall of OP products in 2007. It's my understanding that settled generally means (as...
View ArticleChina firms 'to pay milk victims'– but where?
Following the news published by the Associated Press last September (432 babes sick from Chinese tainted milk product which stated that "A Chinese state news agency has reported that more than 430...
View ArticleFood Safety Still High Risk to Economy
The regulatory activities governing food safety continue to pose a “high risk” to the economy and public health, declared the Government Accountability Office in January of this year (link) — the...
View ArticleHR 875 not so healthy for food supply?
As covered in our Food Safety Still High Risk to Economy, in February 2009, Congresswoman Rose L. DeLauro of Connecticut introduced the Food Safety Modernization Act which would establish a new,...
View ArticleFarm-to-Consumer sues FDA re raw milk
This is something. A tip of the hat to Lynn, who emailed a link to Grist.org's coverage — written by journalist David Gumpert of TheCompletePatient.com fame. This is more than timely — for years, raw...
View ArticleUSDA review may approve Monsanto’s GMO alfalfa — Vote Today!
We're more than a little late on this (today's the last day), but here's the word from Food Democracy Now!: After years of bureaucratic wrangling, a recent USDA environmental review may finally approve...
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